Community Advisory Board Guidelines

The WTJU Community Advisory Board Guidelines

WTJU-FM is the radio station of the University of Virginia and is owned by the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University. Oversight is provided by the Senior Vice President for Development and Public Affairs who also charges the WTJU Community Advisory Board each year. The WTJU Community Advisory Board provides a broad perspective on the general operation of radio station WTJU-FM and helps ensure that the station accomplishes its stated purpose in accordance with the requirements of its license. More specifically, the duties of the Board include the following:

To oversee the policies of WTJU with a view to ensure that the station’s practices confirm to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, the mission of the University of Virginia and the Mission Statement of WTJU:

Makeup of Board

The general makeup of the Board includes 11 or more voting members. The Board encourages diversity in the makeup of its membership and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic background, age, sex, religion or physical disability.

Internal makeup of Board:

Voting members of the Board elect the following officers:

Timeline for recruiting, appointing and charging of Board

Board Recruiting Responsibilities

Senior Vice President for Development and Public Affairs Responsibilities

Terms of Membership

Rules of Order

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